Tuesday, March 30, 2010

i'm an older me!


Sunday, March 14, 2010


mama has this super great idea, why not we venture our business in fashion?...yep2..mama has got good sense of fashion n design.n i soo know how to persuade people into buying stuff(hehe)..
to tell u the truth, most of my dad's linen attires were designed by mama...n ive got some collection of mine too...i'll post that later..
so here goes our very first collection of fashion bounties! as of for now..the scarves are at rm 15 each...oh, mind the model, she's new..(hee)


wuhuuu...mama's getting more projects in her hands now..coming soon- kak iylia's engagement (door gifts, decos & hantarans) & auntie som's daughter's wedding (door gifts & decorations)
let's see some progresses made by mama...heee...my super-creative mother!


First trial for our NEU-bounty collection..it'll be out soon..(hehehe, as far as i'm concerned,aizzat has to help this one out!)

NEU-bounty rewards you NEW GIFTS!

NEU-BOUNTY's kerepek collections

NEU-BOUNTY's cornflake biscuits

Saturday, March 13, 2010

cry baby..

i am just human, who has fought for my own beliefs...but when some people may not understand me, it really made things worse...

progress, process, sleepless nights...these ive gone through...although some people may not understand because i have so much to do...

"aainaa, u have a lot more to do", he said..
"aainaa, if you want to pass....."she said..

i'll sob these memories away n wake up knowing that its all in the past n i've to move on..
because today, tomorrow n these coming days, i'll promise myself that the cry baby in me will evolve to be a super lady!..or so...a super architect like papa!
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