Wednesday, January 27, 2010

stage fright!

nervousness thy name, aainaa......

have u ever felt this way before?- a certain rush in your body that reacts to your adrenaline, n suddenly, it goes into your brain n it switches off your confidence zone...hari ni tiba2 i blank-ed out during my english presentation...heh, english je pun! the teacher felt that im still rigid in this, i seemed to be memorising my words. damn it.. so, this will be my 2nd time of a mental breakdown..(dont want to talk bout my 1st one, horrible!)
no wonder i can never be an actress or a performer, having said that, its always the "behind the scene" girl..but, i know i will never give up, i know i can..Giring can!(haha, takde kene mengena..)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


papa & me..
there'll be times when i just want to recap all the memories i had...n one of the most memorable moments i had was..
during my part 1 was within the period where papa dah di anggap tenat already (40 days before his death)...but, he managed to come..he managed to put on his new tailored shirt specially made for my graduation(hes just so charming)...papa came with his wheelchair, n he was there,in the DTC to watch me on stage (even my own boyfriend did not come for any of my important events, well he never did)..i remembered mama called me to tell that she had to bring papa out, cos he was soo cold in the hall..papa, i am very sorry for not being there to take as many pictures with you..i know you have waited for me at my faculty, but i was too busy taking photos with my friends outside the hall..stupid me..n now that uve gone, aizzat won't get the chance to come up the stage knowing that you'll be there with the crowds...but to think of it in another'll be in a bigger place, watching down at us...when aizzat & me will be on stage again these coming years...

should have gotten azim to take studio photos for the whole family..

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

now this is my 3rd blog for tonite...shucks!

theatre project "RUKH" with my kelakarians done!...we'r number 2!!weehoo!

new project coming up! THE pre-loved KUTUs!


colourful website for colourful people...
*Oh, you should also check out MOCCA's latest album-COLOUR


have you ever been hugged by bears?...i did...
not-so grizzly bears, but they're just teddy bears that i love!

n tonite, i sooo want a bearhug!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


happy 2010!...i almost forgot i had a blog...haha..(in a way, im the only one posting it in here...mama kenapa taknak blog lagi?...potet, chait!)

Randy Pausch is my idol, second to my dad...and reading his book of the "LAST LECTURE", made me realised that death is just another part of is not meant for people to sobber or just be depressed over it...the thing that we should be celebrating is LIFE!...n life is short, so, live a day of your lives as though it has no ending to it....well, as for us muslims, the meaning of life is to better our ibadah for HE who creates us...and for HIM, we lived for!

The LAST LECTURE is definitely my favourite for now, as I don't read that much of a book...*i've got quite a collection in my room, but i can say, half of it, is anis's..(haha, my bestfriend is a book worm-er)....

That's late Randy with his kids...he actually had a whole chapter dedicated for kids
"DREAMS FOR MY CHILDREN" all three of them were too young to understand, he actually did a lot of things with them in quite a short time, for them to remember the moments of joy they had with their big ol' paps!

I actually love this part the most:

"I'm aware that Chloe (the youngest of three) may have no memory of me at all. She's too young. But i want her to grow up knowing that I was the first man ever to fall in love with her. I'd always thought the father/daughter thing was overstated. But i can tell you, it's real!" *TEARS*

How i wished that papa would have his last lecture with his fellow friends & students in UTM, or probably among the people he loved...but i think.. HE DID!

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